As you will probably have guessed from the quality of this web site, I am a beginner!
I used an Amstrad PC1512 as a word processor for eight years after I retired, but I suffered from "being satisfied" until my eldest son, Richard, and his wife, Alison, told me that they knew of a second hand machine going cheap. It would do me good, they said, to buy it - I could even play with my photographs on it!
Well, it was probably the last remark that did it as I have always been an avid photographer, but more of that on the Photography page.
I surf the net nightly with AOL and have found some incredible sites - everything is there, isn't it?
The writing of this web site is my most ambitious project to date. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and will probably spend the rest of my life improving and updating it until, of course, Richard and Alison tell me that I need a new machine and they know where there is one cheap!
I have now written seven web sites. These are the other six. I hope you will visit and leave a note on the Guest Books. - Walton Methodist Church - Philip Lord - Ryhill and Havercroft Village Information - Ryhill Methodist Church - For our new grandson, Adam Peter Lord - Jokes, religious stories collected from the Internet